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사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Employees Claim Damages for Effects of Poor Working Condtions 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Employees Claim Damages for Effects of Poor Working Condtions
  일  자 : 1997년 09월
  제공처 : Safety + health(EU Update)

    Employees in the NetherlanJs are,for the first time, taking civil court
   action against emloyers to claim damages for ill health that resulted
   from poor workrng conditions.

     "We expect a steep rise in liability claims in the next few years," says
   Marcel Wilder, Netherlands TradeUnion Confederation represenrative.
   Insurance companies expect to pay out billions of dollars in claims,
   he says.

     Wilder says that a major reason workers are seeking damages
   through the courts is because the Dutch government recently altered
   the country's insurance laws and reduced the length of time injured
   or sick workers can receive a portion of their regular pay.

    Under Dutch law, no distinction is made between work absences
   caused by poor working conditionsor some other cause. In the past, sick
   workers could receive a large portion of their wages for long periods.

    This meant that sick workers were not required to prove the connection
   between illness and work conditions, and that employers were not
   under the pressure of risk-based premiums to improve their working

     Wilder sees the changes as positive. "The Long-term effect is that
   employers must take steps to reduce risks or be faced with large premium
   increases," he says.

     Employer confederation representative Bob Koning says employers
   supporteJ the governement's changes to the insurance legislation,
   but did not foresee the rise in legal claims. "Employers are not happy
   with this," he says.

     The situation was artificial Koning says, and resulted from  changes in
   insurance legislation rather than a deterioration in working conditions in
   the Netherlands.

    He acknowledged that insurance  premiums could be a good motivator
   for employers to improve working conditions, however.

    The Netherlands has both the  highest productivity and the highest
   absenteeism in Europe.
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