안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
작성자 : 관리자
  일  자 : 1997년 08월
  제공처 : Safety Worldwide

 From 13 to is November l996, in Brussels, under the directien of the Belgian
NationaI Association for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents (ANPATWVVA),
in collaboratien with the European Commission, the International Labour Office,
the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and
the ISSA Education and Training Section, the ISSA Information Section organized
the Third International Conference on Information Technelogies in Occupational
Safety and Health Information,Training and Education. Some 250 prevention
experts, information specialists and workers' representatives  participated in
this event.

The conference programme laid particular stress on the needs of "end users",
especially employers in small and medium-sized enterprises and individual workers
. At the outset a brochure containing basic information was distributed in order
to ensure that all participants disposed of the same basic knowledge or used a
common terminology. Several intoductory reports served the same purpose.

In addition five research reports were presented, on the capture, treatment and
storage of information as well as its communication and utilization, and on
the possibilities for on-line training and the use of telematics in training and
formation. The participants were able to discuss these reports in five parallel


Structured Information System

All participants emphasized the need for a structured and accessible information
system both inside and outside the boundaries of the European Union. The
storage and possibilities for capture as well as the adaptation of the informa-
tion to the needs of the population should be the responsibity of the go-
vernment of each country. The data banks thus constituted should be linked
to those of other countries by means of an open network. Because it meets all
the requirements, Internet was proposed as an appropriate medium for the
establishment of such an information system.

Establishing Standards

Standards must nevertheless be established for the presentation of information
over lnternet, as regards the different target groups and the method of
operation of the search-engines. The customary search-engines are much too
weak to permit the rapid capture of there relevant information. Given that this
information is diffcult to find because of the inadequate structuring of the
data, research over Internet is a timeconsuming and expensive operation.
The credibility and degree of recency of the data pose a further problem.

 Utilization of multimedia presentation possibilties

The utilization of multimedia presentation possibilities for taining was
welcomed by the participants, as the combination of sound, image and
text and the the possibility for interactive discussion for training pur-
poses appear to be attractive and appropriate.
Multimedia enables the learner to move at his own pace in familiar surroun-
dings. To this end,the programme must of course be set up by educational and
information experts along with technical experts. In order to be able to
determine the content, method, configuration, etc. in keeping with the
needs of the target groups, a research task must be caried out and standards
established as a follow-up.

 A further necessity is the joint development and application of first-rate
 programmes, adaptable to the needs of individual firms and reasonably priced.
 Effective multimedia training programmes for specific professions - so -
 called Groupware - would significantly reduce costs. Lastly, but as a very
 important requirement, language barriers must be taken into account.

 The congress report is available from ANPAT-NVVA at the price of 1,500
 BEF (plus VAT and mailing costs).

     Tel.: +32-2-6480337
     Fax.: + 32-2-6486867

