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사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Number of Work-Related injuries and Illnesses Drop 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Number of Work-Related injuries and Illnesses Drop
  일  자 : 1997년 07월
  제공처 : Safety & health

     The number of work-related injuries and illnesses dropped to their
  lowest rate in nearly a decade in l995--even in the most hazardous
  industries, the Bureau of Labor Sta-tistics reports.
     The injury and illness rate declined to 8.l cases for every lOO fulltime
  workers in l995. This is the lowest rate since l986 and rhe thir conse-
  cutive year that it has dropped. The constructron industry had the single
  greatest decrease of any large industry segment, from 11.8 cases per lOO
  workers in l994 to l0.6 cases per lOO in 1995. With the improvements in
  construction safety, that industry has fallen behind manufacturing as the
  most dangerous industry sector. Even manufacturing reported a decline, with
  ll.6 cases Per lOO workers in 1995,down from l2.2 per lOO the previous year.
      Another interesting figure turned up in one of the most contentious
  categories: l995 saw a 7 percent drop in the number of repetitive-trauma
  injuries. Though this was the first decline in these cases since l982,
  reperitive-trauma cases are srill the majority--62 percernt --of all
  workplace illnesses.
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