안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
German Miners, Residents Exposed to Dioxin 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : German Miners, Residents Exposed to Dioxin
  일  자 : 1997년 05월
  제공처 : Safety & health

     Twenty-three miners were exposed to dioxin as they exposed to
   slow-burning coal-mine fire in Germany's Ruhr industrial area.
   A subsequent investigation found that the run-off water used to
   extinguish the fire contained a high concentration of the substance.
   Workers were not issued prorective equipment or given any information
   about the hazard and worked for several days to put out the fire and
   clean up.The local population also was not informed of the hazard.

     "The concentrations of dioxin in the affected workers' blood was no
   higher that the rest of' the population," according to a representative
   of the miners' occupational insurance company. Those exposed suffered
   from headaches and skin rashes. The state prosecutor's office is currently
   investigating the incident.

      As reported in a previous EU Update, a l995 airport fire in Dusseldorf
   that claimed l8 lives also released dioxin-containing smoke from burning
   PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, into the air and dioxin-containing soot.
   The soot had to be removed from the walls of the terminal before it
   could be reopened to the public.

      A major industrial disaster occurred in northern Germany in l953
   when a malfunction in a BASF trichlorophenal plant exposed l53 workers
   and surrounding villages to dioxin.

      Dioxin is the name of a group of 75 carcinogenic chemicals produced
   as a byproduct of chemicals processes that involve chlorine.

