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게시판 상세페이지
Meeting taps global expertise for OEV discussion 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Meeting taps global expertise for OEV discussion
  일  자 : 1997년 12월
  제공처 : INTERNET

   Meeting taps global expertise for OEV discussion

 Occupational exposure and carcinogenicity of carbon black, diesel exhaust, and
asphalt fume will be the focus of a Society of Toxicology (SOT) Satellite
Meeting,"Developing Occupational Exposure Values From Toxicology and Epidemio-
logy Studies." The international forum, sponsored by the ACGIH Chemical Subst-
ances TLV Committee and the Deutsche Forschungsgemenschaft(German MAK Commis-
sion),will be March 6, 1998, immediately following the SOT Annual Meeting in

The immediate goal of the one-day meeting is to foster international cooperation
and the exchange of data relative to occupational exposure values (OEVs) for
carbon black, diesel exhaust, and asphalt fume. The long-range intent is to
continue and expand ACGIH's and the MAK Commission's efforts for a unified and
more structured approach to international OEV development.

The meeting will include presentations and data from around the world including
Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The speakers include a "who's who among the authors of the major analysis and
summaries on the question of human cancer and occupational exposure to diesel
exhaust, carbon black, and exhaust fume," said Calvin Willhite, CS-TLV Committee
Vice Chair.

CS-TLV Committee Chair John Doull will open the meeting with an introduction,
"Improving the Science of Risk Assessment: The Toxicology of Particulates." His
presentation will be followed by the first session, "Carbon Black and Diesel
Exhaust."MAK Commission Chairman Helmut Greim will introduce the second session,
"Asphalt Fume Laboratory Results and Human Experience." (See end of this article
for a list of speakers and topics.)

Friday's meeting will be followed Saturday through Monday by a working meeting
of the full ACGIH CS-TLV Committee at which representatives of other countries
and other organizations that promulgate OEVs will be invited to observe and
interact with the Committee.

One objective of the seminar and the working committee meeting "is to expand the
ACGIH and MAK Commission cooperation to include the other major players that
develop OEVs," Willhite said. "We can begin to expand the cooperation that's
been so successful between the TLV Committee and the MAK Commission," he added.

Willhite explained that by cooperating and sharing data, organizations that
develop OEVs can avoid duplicative efforts and make better use of resources, the
result being increased global harmony and more timely development of OEVs.

ACGIH and the German MAK Commission have already established a firm foundation
for international cooperation, Willhite said. "The major credit for getting the
ball rolling and keeping it rolling is due to John Doull and Helmut Greim. If
it weren't for their desire to see this happen, it wouldn't happen."

 Although the German MAK Commission and the ACGIH CS-TLV Committee have yet
to reconcile some differences (including carcinogenicity designations, short-
term exposure limits, and ceiling limits), their cooperative efforts have
already enjoyed success   both organizations have been able to use the other's
data in reviewing their respective OEVs for particular substances.

 "There are lots of bugs to be worked out, but we're taking down the barriers,
" Willhite said, adding that the March meetings are a step in the right direc-

 SOT Satellite Meeting

    Topic: Developing Occupational Exposure Values From Toxicology and
    Epidemiology Studies
    Sponsors: ACGIH Chemical Substances TLV Committee and the Deutsche
    Forschungsgemenschaft (Federal Republic of Germany MAK Commission)
    Date: March 6, 1998
    Location: Seattle Hilton Hotel, Seattle, Washington
    Additional Information: ACGIH 513-742-2020 (phone);
    513-742-2255 (fax);
    acgih@mail.org (e-mail);
    will soon appear on this website also . . .

           SOT Satellite Meeting Agenda

       8:30 a.m.
          Improving the Science of Risk Assessment:
          The Toxicology of Particulates
          J. Doull, University of Kansas Medical Center
          Kansas City, KS
       SESSION I:
          Carbon Black and Diesel Exhaust
       8:45 a.m.
          1. Mechanistic Information in Carbon Black
          and Diesel Exhaust Carcinogenesis
          K.E. Driscoll, Procter & Gamble Co.,
          Cincinnati, OH
       9:15 a.m.
          2. Epidemiology of Workers Exposed to Diesel
          A. Cohen, Health Effects Institute
       9:45 a.m.
          3. New Developments in the Epidemiology
          of Carbon Black Workers
          K. Gardiner, University of Birmingham
          United Kingdom
       10:30 a.m.
          4. Diesel Exhaust Risk Assessment: Decision
          Making from Animal and Human Data
          L. Stayner, National Institute for Occupational
          Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH
       11:15 a.m.
          5. Diesel Particulate Research in Australia
          B. Davies and A. Rogers, Australian
          Environmental Health Services, Figtree
          NSW, Australia
       11:45 a.m.
          6. Summary and Panel Discussion: Does Rat
          Lung Cancer Predict Human Cancer Risk?
       12:15 p.m.
       1:15 p.m.
          Asphalt Fume: The Cancer orrelation
          H. Greim, MAK Commission, Neuherberg,
       SESSION II:
          Asphalt Fume aboratory Results and
          Human Experience
       1:30 p.m.
          1. Epidemiology of Asphalt Workers
          E. Hansen, University of Copenhagen,
       2:00 p.m.
          2. Cancer Risk in Asphalt Workers and
          P. Boffetta, International Agency for
          Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France
       2:30 p.m.
          3. Asphalt Industry Research Progam:
          Chemistry, Exposure Assessment, and
          E.W. Arp, Jr., Ashland Inc., Ashland, KY
       3:15 p.m.
          4. Epidemiology of Asphalt Fume Workers
          T. Norseth, Norwegian National Institute of
          Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway
       3:45 p.m.
          5. Occupational Exposure to Asphalt avers
          and Roofers
          P. Schulte, National Institute for Occupational
          Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH
       4:15 p.m.
          6. Summary and Panel Discussion: Does
          Asphalt Fume Cause Cancer in Humans?
       5:00 p.m.
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