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사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Allergic children can get worse at school 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Allergic children can get worse at school
  일  자 : 1998년 01월
  제공처 : Working Lif R & D News

        Allergic children can get worse at school

  School can be a health risk for children with asthma according to tests carri-
 ed out by the National Institute for Working Life. The concentration of all-
 ergy-inducing substances from cats can be higher in classrooms than in house-
 holds with a cat. Data show that children with asthma get worse in classrooms
 where many of the children have furred animals.

  In most cases there are considerably fewer allergens in the air in classrooms,
 but researchers suspect that low doses over a long-term can also damage the
 health of children with allergies. They have discovered that classroom air
 tends to contain a tenth of the amount of cat allergen found in the average
 cat-owner's home. - We have also found that allergic children get worse when
 many of the other children have furred animals at home. It is a big problem,
 since there are classes where more than half of the pupils have such animals
 researcher Per Malmberg says. More than 300 asthmatic Stockholm schoolchildren
 between the ages of six and twelve are taking part in the research project,
 run in conjunction with units for environmental medicine at Stockholm County

                                      Kajsa Lundgren, Lena Ski?ld

                                         For more information contact
                                         Per Malmberg
                                         tel:+46 8 730 96 21
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