안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
Accidents to children 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Accidents to children
  일  자 : 1998년 08월
  제공처 : Internet

    Accidents to children

   ㅇ How bad is the problem?
   ㅇ What can be done?
   ㅇ What legislation and guidance is there?
   ㅇ Where to obtain further information
   ㅇ List of agricultural safety leaflets

  How bad is the problem?

Between 1976 and 1993 a total of 202 children were killed as a result of
accidents in agriculture. Many more youngsters survived such accidents but
were severely maimed or handicapped.

The sad fact is that most of these tragedies could have been avoided had an
adult had the foresight to take a few sensible precautions.

  What can be done?

Children must be told of the dangers that exist in agriculture, be it farming,
horticulture or forestry, and should be prevented from straying into areas
where they may be at risk.

Supervision is very important, particularly with young children and, where
possible, a safe playing area should be provided for them which is well away
from danger. Of the many dangers which exist in agriculture one of the most
alarming involves machinery. About three quarters of all fatal accidents to
children involve machines. It is vital therefore that children are given
strict instructions not to play on or around machines, particularly when they
are being reversed. These and other important precautions are outlined in the
checklists overleaf.

   What legislation and guidance is there?

In addition to specific legislation such as the Agriculture (Avoidance of
Accidents to Children) Regulations 1958, the Health and Safety Executive has
published Farmwise. This gives practical guidance to those who have duties
under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 as it relates to health and
safety in agriculture. One section of Farmwise deals specifically with child
safety. The following checklists are taken from that section. They provide
useful advice for those in control of agriculture hazards and for their
employees. Farmwise can be obtained by using the attached order form.


Assess the hazards

Identify any hazardous areas, operations and activities, particularly
vehicles, machinery, chemicals and slurry pits. Consider the circumstances in
which children might have access to your land or premises.

Keep children out of work areas

Identify areas from which children should be excluded. What arrangements
should be made to keep them out? Consider displaying warning signs. Can play
areas be established?

Make areas accessible to children safe

If children have access to the workplace how can it be made safer? Can general
housekeeping be improved? Can areas where vehicles operate be made safer or
vehicle movement be reduced? Are dangerous machines properly guarded? Are pits
properly fenced?

Instruct employees

Are they aware of your assessment? Make sure they know where and when children
are likely to be present and of the risks to children. Advise them of areas
and operations where children should not be present.

Inform visitors

Inform everybody who may introduce hazards into the premises that children may
be present. Consider warning signs at all entrances stating that children may
be present. Ensure that visiting workers abide by your system of work.

Instruct and supervise children doing agricultural work

Make sure you know what jobs children are not permitted to do. Where children
undertake jobs consider the instruction necessary, taking into account the
experience, age and strength of the child. Who will instruct them? How will
they be supervised? Are children made aware of the hazardous areas, operations
and activities from which they should stay clear?

Tear-off order form overleaf


To obtain your copy of Farmwise ISBN 0 7176 0531 0 please fill in this form
and send it to:

 HSE Books PO Box 1999 Sudbury Suffolk CO10 6FS
 Tel: 01787 881165
 Fax: 01787 313995


     Always be on the look-out for children, particularly when starting or
     driving vehicles or starting and operating machinery. Remember that
     children often hide in unlikely corners when playing games
     Drive at a safe speed
     Never leave the starting keys in an unattended vehicle
     Be aware of areas where children should not be present. Help to ensure
     that they are kept out of the area, and if necessary inform the employer
     or the parents. If a child is in danger from the work activity stop the
     operation until the child is out of the danger area
     When handling dangerous chemicals such as pesticides etc make sure that
     they are safely locked away after use
     When maintaining machinery make sure all guards are replaced

     Remember, you can do something to help save a child's life. Don't think
     it's someone else's problem. We're all responsible and need to act now to
     introduce safe working practices and see they are rigidly maintained.

 Where to obtain further information

For additional advice and information on this subject contact your local
office of the Health and Safety Executive.

 List of agricultural safety leaflets

 AS3          Bulls
 AS5          Farmer's Lung
 AS7          Guns
 AS8          Noise
 AS10         Children
 AS11         Circular saws
 AS15         Farm forestry operation
 AS16         Checking tractor-trailers
 AS17         Electricity on farms
 AS20         Safety with chain saws
 AS22         Prevention of tractors overturning
 AS24         Power shafts
 AS28         COSHH in agriculture
 AS29         Sheep dipping
 AS30         COSHH in forestry

HSE priced and free publications are available by mail order from HSE Books,
PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS Tel: 01787 881165 Fax: 01787 313995

For other enquiries ring HSE's InfoLine Tel: 0541 545500 or write to HSE's
Information Centre, Broad Lane, Sheffield S3 7HQ.

HSE home page on the World Wide Web: http://www.open.gov.uk/hse/hsehome.htm

This publication may be freely reproduced, except for advertising, endorsement
or sale purposes. The information it contains is current at 5/95. Please
acknowledge the source as HSE.

