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사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Mexico Toughens Safet Laws 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Mexico Toughens Safet Laws
  일  자 : 1998년 08월
  제공처 : Safety+Health

    To better ensure worker safsry, the Mexican Ministry of Labor and
 Socia1 Welfare continues to reformits regularions. The agency is
 roughly analogous to the U.S.
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, but it lacks an equivalent
 to OSHA inspectors who are called in by employees for unannounced inspections.

    When the Mexican agency First established worker safety guidelines,
 state inspectors were in charge of enforcing them. In l987, Mexico's federal
 government took over rhe responsibility. Mexican labor laws require companies
 to set up joint manager/worker health and safety committees that both
 establish workplace safety standards and enforce them. The committees
 esrablish written safety rules and coordinate reviews of suspected
 health and safety problems.

    However, critics say such committees often fail to act on violations,
 and even strike deals with owners or officials to give the appearance of

    In l997, the Mexican government upgraded its health and safety regulations.
 The new laws stipulate thar companies contract private, third-party
 "verification units" to inspect the companies. In addition, the government
 must certify private inspectors.

    According to Mexican federal Iaw, companies are responsible for training
 their emp1oyees in health and safety measures, but many do nof have
 an instruction program.
 Large companies have better compliance records than smaller ones, although
 the Mexican safety

    and health agency points out that large companies (IOO workers or more)
 comprise less than lO percenr of all companies in Mexico.

 Most small companies are never inspected.
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