안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
European Commission Proposes Emission and Fuel Standards 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : European Commission Proposes Emission and Fuel Standards
  일  자 : 1996년 10월
  제공처 : Safety & Health

 The European Commission has proposed rules to reduce passenger-car
      pollution in the European Union to meet World Health Organization
      limit values early next century.

 According to car manufacturers, the proposals will force them
      to carry the bulk of the costs associated with the changes.
      The European Automobile Manufacturers Association says that
      the new rules must divide the effort fairly between the oil
      industry and the automobile industry.

 The association is concerned that the commission has decided not
      to require fuel producers to significantly reduce the sulphur
      content of diesel and petrol. A reduction in sulphur would
      contribute to decreases in atmospheric nitrogen oxides,
      which are major pollutants in European cities.

 However, Malcolm Ferguson from the lnternational Union of Air
      Pollution Prevention and Environ-mental Protection Associations
      says that the oil companies simply made a more "clever" case to
      the commission than that of the automobile manufacturers.

 "The most cost-efficient means are, at the moment,
      based on vehicle-exhaust systems," says John Berry of the commission,
      and that will mean altered exhaust technology. Particulate matter
      and regional ozone were added to the list of pollutants.

 Nevertheless, fuel will need to be modified early next century to
      meet the WHO's higher standards.

 In any case, it appears almost certain that the European
      Parliament will reject the commission's current proposals.

 "The parliament is exceptionally hostile to the commission's
      proposals, because they don't go far enough. They argue that
      the pollution problems are understated and that the health effects
      are only just being discovered," says Berry. "Environmental groups
      are also concerned about pollution levels close to the road
      and in vehicles, rather that in general areas, such as towns.
      If you measure it their way, the pollution levels are far higher."

