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사고사망속보 검색


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게시판 상세페이지
Fatigue to blame in many workplace motor vehicle fatalities 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Fatigue to blame in many workplace motor vehicle fatalities
  일  자 : 1995년 09월
  제공처 : Todays

    Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of fatal workplace
  injuries. And 13% of these accidents are fatigue related. The National
  Safety Council suggests the following tips for drivers to help them stay
  awake behind the wheel :

    o Recognize signs of fatigue (weaving, nodding off, missing a familiar
      turn or no memory of the last stretch of road), and if they occur,
      take a break.

    o Drink a cup of coffee or take a brief, brisk walk

    o Open the window for a change of airflow

    o Listen to music

    However, these short - term solutions won't cure fatigue. Supervisor,
    particularly of nighttime drivers, can do a lot to promote safety :

    o Give drivers tips on how to maintain a lifestyle that requires them
      to be  up and alert at odd hours. Useful information could include
      how dark a room needs to be to promote sleep and how long naps should
      be to be most useful (brief naps are better than long ones).

    o If possible, give drivers a regular nighttime schedule so their
      biological clocks can adjust more easily.

    o Be aware that U.S. Federal Highway Administration regulations
      limiting the number of hours a driver can work may actually promote
      The regulations allow driving for a maximum of ten hours followed by
      eight hours of rest before another ten - hour driving period. In
      effect, this creates an 18-hour day which could result in drivers
      being chronically jet-lagged. Under Canadian regulations, drivers can
      drive for 13 hours and then must rest for 11, which allows for a 24 -
      hour day.

    o Keep up with new advances in cab technology. Some are built to
      minimize fatigue - inducing vibrations. Others have eye - tracking
      devices that set off alarms at any sign of fatigue.

    Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Safety
이전글/다음글 리스트
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