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KOSHA release "Healing Emotional Stress video" 2016.08.31
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

KOSHA release "Healing Emotional Stress video"

Expect to prevent accident by enhancing ability in stress handling & relaxing body and mind

KOSHA releases movie clips of healing program to relieve workers' emotional stress and to prevent work-related stress for free. People can easily follow the clip at home or in the office.

□ Shin Su-ji, the former member of national rhythmic gymnastics team, modeled for 'Healing Emotional Stress' video clips. A total of ten movie clips are created whose running time is 10 minutes long each. The clips are categorized into 3 themes: Physical relaxation, Emotional relaxation, and Stress relief.

 o Physical relaxation video (3 episodes) shows stretching techniques to speed up physical activities by easing the brain tension and vitalizing bodies.

 o Emotional relaxation video (2 episodes) contains breathing techniques for feeling secure.

 o Stress relief (5 episodes) displays meditation methods to relax the tension of body & brain.

 o Especially, the video contains detailed information on how to improve physical symptoms like headache, maldigestion, neck or shoulder discomfort, dyspnea, etc.

□ The video clips were created on the basis of a report, Mind and body healing program for emotionally stressed workers, showing the effectiveness of the program developed by Seoul National University and Global Cyber University.

□ The video clips are provided for free on the website of KOSHA. General public can watch the clips on KOSHA Blog, You Tube and Facebook as well.

* KOSHA Webpage : http://www.kosha.or.kr

* You Tube : https://www.youtube.com/user/koshamovie

* Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/koshanet/

* KOSHA Blog : http://blog.naver.com/koshablog


President Lee Young-Soon of KOSHA stated "we hope the video clips would help emotionally stressed workers to protect their health". "We will endeavor continually to develop and disseminate various OSH contents" he added.






Physical relaxation

(3 episodes)

Physical activity

① Stretching1

Ease neck and shoulder muscles

② Stretching2

Blood circulation, better flexibility

③ Brain activating stretching

Activate intestinal function, Immunity up

Emotional relaxation

(2 episodes)


④ Relax breathing

Ease tension

⑤ Thoracic breathing

Control breathing cycle, reduce uneasiness

Stress relief

(5 episodes)


⑥ Body meditation

Reduce headache, high blood pressure, dyspnea, muscle tension

⑦ Core energy meditation

Reduce emotional tension, enhance concentration

⑧ Brain purifying meditation

Stabilize amygdala, activate serotonin secretion

⑨ Brain wave controling meditation

Increase dopamine, overall body relaxation

⑩ Release meditation

Increase fiber density of hippocampus, strengthen ability to control emotion

